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Bible Study

We Believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority for all matters of faith.

Romans 15:4Hebrews 4:122 Timothy 3:16


God's word feeds our spirit!   He tells us His Story!

Bible Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning

Classes are right after our morning worship assembly.  Ages Todler through Adult. Our curriculum changes quarterly and seasonally.


Adults - Blue Room - "Hospitality"


Fireplace Room -  "Forgiveness"



Wednesday Nights 6:30

We have an Adult class and classes for Toddlers through high School.  We also meet for a meal and visiting on each first Wednesday (no classes).




Worker with Ladder

Men's Study  - FORGE


Each 1st and 3rd Tuesday night, we have an informal men's group that meets for fellowship and bible study.  See the Men's Ministry page for details.  



Tuesday Morning Ladies Study

Ladies of all ages meet at the building at 9 am. each Tuesday. A very informal gathering is a great time to meet new people and study in a non "churchy" environment.




Private Studies

We also offfer studies with you or your family at your convienience.  One of our memberss, teachers, or elders are available to meet your time schedule.  Or maybe you  just want to get a  coffee and visit!

We are here!


Times,  Groups - Flexibility!

Please consider getting plugged in with a Bible Study Group.  If you need to create a group for a different time or purposes, let us help!

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