Every movement has a story. Ours has evolved since it's beginning on April 25, 1993. Read how the Holy Spirit as led us, fed us and taught us!
How Muskogee Church of Christ Began
On April 25, 1993, a group of Christians from Muskogee, Tahlequah, Fort Gibson, Checotah, Coweta, and surrounding
areas, met at the Luby's Cafeteria in Arrowhead Mall in Muskogee.
The Name, Muskogee Church of Christ, had been agreed upon. J.T. Anderson and Charlie Cook were asked to serve as elders. They met for several weeks at the Civic Center from May 2, 1993, till April 30, 1995. The old church building at 4th and Court street in Muskogee then became the rented facility for our meeting place on May, 7, 1995. On Nov. 13, 1994, a special contribution was taken for a building fund, in the amount of $243,000.00. On Jan. 1, 1995 the church voted to purchase one of three possible locations for a new facility. 3206 N. York Street was chosen, with a ground breaking ceremony held on July 12,1995.
During this time Travis Bryant served as a youth minister from Sept. 12, 1993, till April 9, 1995. Jim Woodroof and wife Louine, from Searcy, Arkansas, moved to Muskogee to help this young congregation and preached from on Nov. 27, 1993, till Jan. 28, 1996.
Derek Pfeifer was hired as Youth Minister in Jan, 1996. He and his wife Trish, son Bret, and daughter Kendall became intwined in all aspects of our growing flock. We met in our new building on Feb. 18, 1996, 3206 N. York Street, Muskogee, Ok. 74434.
During this time span of more than 25 years, our group has changed in many ways. We have learned to be more in tune with the Holy Spirit, seen significant growth spiritually, and learned to take our faith out of the building. We have been blessed to have many gifted men serve as elders and ministers, including Randy Willingham, Nathan Irwin, Bethany Reed, Kevin Stewart, Mike Smith, Jacob Wurster, John Lindsay, Kendal Dean, and Ian McCloud.
Our Building has had additions and blessings from many wonderful givers, that has allowed us to be debt free.
We look forward to what Jesus has in store for us as we prepare to live with him forever!
We are always looking for new and exciting ways to make new relationships. Let's connect.